Sunday, June 17, 2012

Building Up

This Saturday we built out garden with the help of many hardworking and dedicated volunteers!
Many thanks to Trevor, Steve, Nate, Matt and Ian for all their labour in building the beds.
Thanks to Mohammed, Mike, Nasim, Shailina, Lina, Bilkish, Sheela, Nasim, Evan, Chris, Clifford and countless children for spreading the soil.  Thanks to Naheed, Vivienne, Parveen, Ambareen, Tabassum and Muzghan for bringing food.
A huge thank you to Day Care Centre for providing electricity for the many power tools.
Mike digging out the tree stump.

Steve, Matt and Ian pondering the uneven ground.

Lina was the designated driver of the wheelbarrow, the kids are her assistants!


Many thanks to the City for delivering this soil.

Trevor and Ian hard at work on the raised bed.  Most kids think this is a swimming pool or giant sand box!

Evan was one of the hardest workers today!

Waiting for plants...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breaking Ground

This week, we finally got our shovels in the dirt and started digging!  Many thanks to Dave, Mohammed and the eager kids in the park for their help.

 Baby Jonathan surveying the first four plots.

Very proud of their newly dug garden.

 These 10 kids ferociously ripped up unwanted grass and "recarpeted" the bare patches.